The Bihar Police has been making elaborate preparations to ensure a smooth transition to the new criminal laws that will come into effect across the country from July 1. The new laws, which include the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, and the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, aim to bring in a modern justice system and incorporate several new provisions. To familiarize itself with the new laws, the state police has trained its 25,000 senior officers on the new criminal laws and digital policing.
The training has also covered digital evidence collection and forensic science, as well as the use of technology to speed up investigations and reduce the chances of human error. Prison, forensic, judicial, and prosecution officials have also been trained and sensitized about the new laws, ensuring that everyone involved in the criminal justice system is aware of the changes and can work effectively with them.
The new laws will introduce significant changes to the way that crimes are investigated and prosecuted. For example, the concept of Zero FIR will allow police officers to file a FIR even if the crime does not occur in their jurisdiction, and online registration of police complaints will make it easier for people to report crimes and track the progress of investigations. Summons can also be sent through electronic modes, and mandatory videography of crime scenes for all heinous crimes will provide more accurate evidence.
To help officers understand the changes, booklets on the new laws have been issued and specific apps developed. The integration and testing of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) have also been significant efforts made to ensure seamless functionality. All police stations in the state are now connected with CCTNS, and all FIRs from July 1 will be registered online and immediately uploaded on the CCTNS.
The state’s forensic capabilities have also been enhanced, with adequate sanctioning of mobile forensic vans and qualified scientific staffers for all district police. The government’s comprehensive approach, encompassing training, system integration, and administrative support, underscores its commitment to enhancing the criminal justice system. The Bihar Police is thus well-prepared to implement the new criminal laws and usher in a new era of law enforcement and justice administration in the state.