Rhea Ripley, known as The Eradicator, is currently sidelined from WWE due to a shoulder injury inflicted by Liv Morgan, leading to her relinquishing the Women’s World Championship after a remarkable 380-day reign. In Ripley’s absence, Morgan has taken the title and set her sights on Dominik Mysterio, creating an intense storyline eagerly anticipated by fans awaiting Ripley’s return.
The WWE Universe’s fondness for Ripley, despite her heel status, positions her as one of the most beloved stars in the women’s division. Her ability to evoke both positive and negative reactions showcases her versatility, but her impending comeback is expected to garner overwhelming support, making a continued villainous role challenging. Consequently, there’s a growing demand for her to reemerge as a heroic figure, aligning with fan sentiment.
Liv Morgan’s ascent as a formidable heel champion necessitates Ripley’s return as a face to balance the dynamics within the RAW women’s division. While Morgan thrives as a heel, her storyline with Ripley adds depth and personal stakes, calling for Ripley’s transformation into a babyface to maximize the feud’s impact and storytelling potential.
Despite Ripley’s affiliation with The Judgment Day, a prominent heel faction, her popularity and impending reception upon return suggest a need for her departure from the group. This strategic move allows for divergent character trajectories and opens new opportunities for both Ripley and the faction, potentially paving the way for a seamless transition with Liv Morgan assuming a central role.
Following Becky Lynch’s departure, the WWE RAW women’s division faces a void in top babyface representation, highlighting the significance of Ripley’s return as a pivotal figure. With Lynch’s absence and Morgan excelling as a heel, Ripley’s reemergence as a babyface not only addresses the division’s imbalance but also revitalizes the main event scene, providing a compelling narrative arc and injecting fresh energy into the red brand’s terrain.