After a dramatic Monday Night RAW, WWE Superstar Karrion Kross took to social media with a cryptic message seemingly directed at The New Day. During the show, Kross interrupted Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods, dismissing their “New Day Rocks” chant as ineffective, claiming that “The Power of Positivity was dead.” Despite the interruption, Kross pledged to defeat The Final Testament’s Akam and Rezar in an upcoming tag team match.
In a tense moment during The New Day’s match against AOP, Scarlett’s distraction prevented Woods from tagging Kingston, resulting in Akam and Rezar triumphing over the popular babyface team. Following the episode, Kross posted a cryptic seven-word message on Twitter, challenging the positivity mantra with the statement, “The power of positivity is a lie.” This cryptic post added fuel to the brewing conflict between Kross and The New Day.
Karrion Kross expressed his interest in facing real-life Bloodline member Jacob Fatu in WWE, a rivalry that dates back to their encounters outside the company. Despite Kross securing a victory over Fatu in their last bout, fans eagerly anticipate their potential clash on the WWE stage. Responding to a query on social media about who should face Fatu upon his WWE debut, Kross affirmed his desire for the matchup, highlighting their history of competitive matches across various promotions.
Fans on social media have been vocal about wanting Xavier Woods to break away from The New Day and pursue a singles career as a heel. Kross, having interacted with Woods during RAW, might play a pivotal role in convincing him to explore his darker side. As tensions rise and alliances shift, the WWE universe eagerly anticipates the unfolding drama between Karrion Kross, The New Day, and the looming presence of the Bloodline in the wrestling arena.