“Black Mirror,” the renowned anthology series known for its dark and thought-provoking take on modern society and technology, is set to return for its seventh season in 2025. Fans are eagerly anticipating the new batch of episodes, especially with the exciting revelation that Season 7 will include a sequel to the popular Season 4 episode, “USS Callister.” Creator Charlie Brooker, also known for “Cunk on Earth,” shared insights into this development in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
In the interview, Brooker explained that the idea for a sequel had been on his mind for a considerable time. One of the main reasons he wanted to revisit “USS Callister” was to challenge himself creatively, given that “Black Mirror” has never featured a character who survives beyond a single episode. Brooker found the setup for a sequel irresistible. He stated,
“This has been brewing for actually quite a long time. And it’s partly because of the way that it ends. The first one ends like you could just carry that story on and follow where they go now. So it was always like, ‘Hmm, I’m going to do that.’ It was something we were looking at for quite a long time. There were various iterations it went through, various versions we wanted to do and were discussing on and off for several years. But there are a lot of schedules to sort out, and then the pandemic got in the way. It was something that looked like it wasn’t going to happen, and so I was delighted when it did.”
The burning question on everyone’s mind is whether the original cast from “USS Callister” will return for the sequel. While Brooker remained tight-lipped about specific details, he hinted at the possibility by mentioning that they plan to “continue the story from where we left off.” He also noted, “seeing them all on set has been fantastic,” suggesting that fans can expect to see familiar faces like Cristin Milioti, Michaela Coel, Billy Magnussen, and Jesse Plemons reprising their roles.
The new season of “Black Mirror” is set to debut on Netflix in 2025. As usual, Netflix is keeping the plots of all episodes under wraps, maintaining the suspense until the release. So far, we know that six episodes have been ordered, and Brooker is once again at the helm, writing them.
The upcoming season of “Black Mirror” promises to deliver more of the innovative and challenging storytelling that has made the series a hit. With the exciting development of a sequel to “USS Callister,” fans have much to look forward to. As we await the release in 2025, the anticipation builds, and we can expect Brooker and his team to continue pushing the boundaries of the anthology format, exploring new and charming narratives.