Josh Prohibition, a veteran wrestler with a remarkable 23-year tenure in the wrestling industry, is bidding farewell to his wrestling days. Throughout his career, Prohibition has engaged in epic battles with renowned stars like Sami Zayn, Britt Baker, and Seth Rollins, capturing numerous titles along the way. Despite his significant contributions, his career has often been overlooked, making his retirement announcement all the more poignant.
The decision to retire was not made lightly. Prohibition revealed that his final match will take place against his former rival, Matt Cross, at the upcoming AIW event in Cleveland. The match was prompted by Cross’s interference in one of Prohibition’s bouts, leading to a personal vendetta between the two wrestlers. In a heartfelt message, Prohibition expressed his emotions, stating, “I’m a broken-down piece of meat, Matt. And this is all I have left, and you’re going to steal my glory from me?”
As Prohibition gears up for his last showdown, he aims to showcase that he still has what it takes to compete at the highest level. Despite facing setbacks like a previous concussion that temporarily sidelined him, Prohibition’s resilience and passion have fueled his enduring career. His dedication to the sport and his unwavering commitment to his fans have defined his legacy in the wrestling world.
Fans can expect a riveting finale as Prohibition prepares to leave everything in the ring for his swansong match. His story, marked by triumphs and personal struggles, serves as a testament to his indomitable spirit and unwavering determination. As he takes his final bow, Josh Prohibition’s impact on the wrestling terrain will be remembered for years to come.