Logan Paul recently took to his official Instagram account to share heartwarming images of his fiancee, Nina Agdal, who is expecting their first child. The photos captured moments from a recent trip to New York City, where they attended the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit launch party. Agdal, who returned to pose for the magazine after 12 years, showcased her baby bump, with Paul affectionately acknowledging the new chapter in their lives with the caption, “With a baby in the belly @ninaagdal.”
During the event, Logan Paul proudly displayed his excitement for impending fatherhood by posing with Agdal and her baby bump on the red carpet. Despite the busy schedule, which included a trip to Jacksonville for SmackDown, Paul made time to celebrate this special moment with Agdal.
In a recent interview, Logan Paul shared his journey towards embracing fatherhood, particularly the realization of becoming a “girl dad.” Initially apprehensive, Paul admitted that it took him three days to fully appreciate the idea of having a daughter. He expressed his joy and excitement, emphasizing his love for the upcoming addition to their family.
Professionally, Logan Paul has had a remarkable year, winning the United States Championship and achieving success in various ventures. Additionally, his engagement to Nina Agdal last July marked a significant milestone in his personal life.
As Logan Paul and Nina Agdal prepare to welcome their baby daughter in Autumn 2024, their shared journey into parenthood continues to be a source of joy and anticipation for the couple.