Shawn Spears, known for his chair-wielding antics, recently made a comeback to NXT, targeting Ridge Holland in a heated feud. His history of chair assaults in the Indies earned him the moniker “The Chairman,” a reputation he carried into AEW by hitting Cody Rhodes with a brutal chair shot. On the latest SmackDown episode, AJ Styles took a page from Spears’ book and ambushed LA Knight with a steel chair, sparking a new twist in the ongoing drama.
LA Knight’s callout to his rival set the stage for Styles’ unexpected attack, catching Knight off guard with the vicious chair assault. Styles wasted no time asserting his dominance by leisurely sitting on the chair placed over Knight, intensifying the rivalry.
This bold move prompted a response from Spears himself, who commended Styles’ approach with a cryptic tweet praising his “style” and adding the hashtags #JustSwingIt and #SmackDown.
The animosity between Styles and Knight has been escalating ever since Knight’s return from injury, fueling a gripping storyline that has charmd fans in recent weeks. The unexpected turn of events on SmackDown not only added a new layer to their rivalry but also drew attention to the parallels between Styles’ tactics and Spears’ signature chair-wielding persona. With tensions running high and alliances shifting, the WWE universe is eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this unfolding saga.