Russia launched three waves of night-time air attacks against the southern Ukrainian port city of Odesa, with the Ukrainian air force intercepting all 15 incoming Shahed drones and eight Kalibr missiles. While the interceptions were successful, the falling debris from the attacks damaged several buildings in the city, including an educational facility, a residential building, and a supermarket. Two employees from the supermarket were taken to the hospital.
The incident came as the Dutch Defence Ministry scrambled two F-16s early on Monday to track a pair of Russian bombers flying towards Dutch airspace. The planes were identified by Danish F-16s in international airspace over the Baltic Sea, but did not enter Danish airspace. This is not the first instance of aerial stand-offs near Russia and Ukraine, as British and German fighter jets were scrambled in March to intercept a Russian aircraft flying close to Estonian airspace.
The tensions in the region came to a head on Sunday when a Russian warship fired warning shots at a cargo ship in the southwestern Black Sea. According to Russia’s Defence Ministry, the ship was heading north to the Ukrainian Danube River port of Izmail, and Russian forces fired shots from automatic small arms to force it to stop.
The recent barrage of attacks on Odesa and other Ukrainian ports follows Russia’s decision to withdraw from a landmark agreement that allowed grain to flow from Ukraine to countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Russia’s actions have led to concerns about the global food supply, and the safety of shipping in the Black Sea.
Ukraine’s presidential office reported on Monday that at least eight civilians were killed and 23 others injured in Ukraine over the previous 24 hours. The conflict has also had a significant impact on Ukraine’s economy, with Ukraine’s grain exports being a crucial part of the country’s export income.
Russia’s military action in Ukraine has been met with international condemnation, and the recent escalation of tensions has raised concerns about the potential for further conflict in the region.