A devastating shooting occurred in Moultrie, Georgia, on Thursday, leaving two families and a fast food worker without loved ones. The series of tragedies unfolded when a shooter, who authorities have not yet identified, killed his mother and grandmother at two neighboring homes before moving on to the local McDonald’s restaurant, where he took the life of the early morning manager. The shooter then took his own life, leaving behind a trail of grief and unanswered questions.
The gruesome scene at the McDonald’s unfolded when employees at an adjoining optometrist’s office arrived for work around 8am to find police swarming the area and a woman’s body lying in a doorway. Witnesses described seeing the police block off a main street in front of the restaurant and telling employees that they would need to be questioned if they crossed the property line into the parking lot. The McDonald’s management confirmed that the shooter had been an employee and that the woman who was killed was the early morning manager, who had unlocked the door to let him in for his shift.
The Colquitt County coroner, C. Verlyn Brock, confirmed the multiple fatalities, citing the shooter’s killing spree, which left three people dead, including his own family members. Brock declined to release the identities of the victims or the shooter, stating that he did not know whether the gunman and the McDonald’s worker knew each other. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) intervened in the case, working to gather more information and track down additional witnesses.
The shooting has sent shockwaves through the small community of 15,000, with residents expressing their dismay at the senseless violence. Chas Cannon, the Colquitt County government administrator, described the shooting as “surprising” given the low crime rate in the area. However, he also noted that the local jail and prison are both at capacity, citing the rise in lawbreaking in the region. McDonald’s has yet to comment on the incident.