Prince George, the nine-year-old future king, shared a thrilling experience with his father Prince William at Aston Villa’s match against Nottingham Forest. The young royal’s enthusiasm was palpable as he cheered on the team from the stands alongside William and Villa’s chief executive Christian Purslow at Villa Park in Birmingham. George’s resemblance to his father was striking, with both wearing navy blue jumpers and pale blue open-necked shirts. As the game progressed, George’s excitement grew, mirroring William’s reactions and clutching his hands to his face during tense moments.
The first half remained goalless, but George’s face lit up when Bertrand Traore scored for Villa three minutes into the second half. The prince jumped up to high-five those around him, clearly delighted with the goal. As the game entered extra time, Villa’s Ollie Watkins scored a last-minute goal, securing a 2-0 win and propelling the team into the Premier League’s top six. George’s joy was evident, and he was seen deep in conversation with his father, pointing at the pitch.
George’s passion for football has been evident in previous matches, including the 2021 England men’s team’s victory over Germany during the Euros. He has also shared in the family’s disappointment during England’s loss to Italy in the final. George, along with his siblings Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, has supported the Lionesses, cheering them on from home during their triumphant win against Germany in the Euro 2022 final. The Welsh family’s allegiance to Aston Villa is well-established, with George having previously celebrated a 5-1 Villa win with his parents and sister in October 2019.
As the team’s biggest fan, George is set to play a significant role at his grandfather King Charles’ coronation next month, serving as one of eight Pages of Honour during the ceremony. His enthusiasm and dedication to Aston Villa are a testament to the impact of sport on the upbringing and development of young people. The bond between George and his father, as well as his passion for football, are a delight to behold, and fans will continue to eagerly anticipate his future appearances at Villas games.