In the city of Indore in central Madhya Pradesh state, a devastating collapse occurred at a temple complex during a festival, claiming the lives of at least 11 people. According to the Police Commissioner, Makrand Deoskar, a large crowd of devotees gathered to perform a fire ritual and celebrate the festival of Rama, a revered Hindu deity. As the devotees thronged the temple, the structure built over an old temple well gave way, causing at least 35 people to fall into the well, which was subsequently covered by falling debris.
The authorities believe that the structure collapsed due to its inability to withstand the weight of the large crowd, highlighting the common issue of poor construction and lack of regulation in India. Local news reports suggest that the temple authorities had stopped using the well years ago and covered it with the structure, raising questions about the temple’s maintenance and upkeep.
The tragedy sent shockwaves through the region, with the state’s top elected official, Shivraj Chauhan, ordering an investigation into the incident. This is the latest in a series of building collapses in India, which have become a recurring issue in the country. Just last October, a century-old cable suspension bridge collapsed into a river in Gujarat, killing at least 132 people in one of the worst accidents in the country in the past decade.
The incident serves as a grim reminder of the importance of ensuring public safety and adhering to building regulations in India. The investigation into the temple collapse is likely to focus on the structural integrity of the building and the measures taken to prevent such accidents in the future. As the country mourns the loss of lives, it is imperative that the authorities take immediate action to rectify the situation and prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. India’s poor construction and lack of regulation have long been a concern, and this incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for urgent action to address these issues.